Turnbull China Bikeride
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100 lines
* Title: drawferror.h
* Purpose: Definition of error codes and standard messages
* for the Drawfile rendering functions.
* For each error, a code and the standard message are listed.
* See drawfdiag.h for how to use the errors.
#ifndef __drwaferror_h
#define __drawferror_h
const draw_BadObject = 1; (* 'Bad object' *)
draw_BadObjectHandle = 2; (* 'Bad object handle' *)
draw_TooManyFonts = 3; (* 'Too many font definitions' *)
draw_BBoxWrong = 101; (* 'Bounding box coordinates are in the
* wrong order'
draw_BadCharacter = 102; (* 'Bad character in string' *)
draw_ObjectTooSmall = 103; (* 'Object size is too small' *)
draw_ObjectTooLarge = 104; (* 'Object size is too large' *)
draw_ObjectNotMult4 = 105; (* 'Object size is not a multiple of 4' *)
draw_ObjectOverrun = 106; (* 'Object data is larger than specified
* specified size'
draw_ManyFontTables = 107; (* 'There is more than one font table' *)
draw_LateFontTable = 108; (* 'The font table appears after text
* object(s)'
draw_BadTextStyle = 109; (* 'Bad text style word' *)
draw_MoveMissing = 110; (* 'Path must start with a move' *)
draw_BadPathTag = 111; (* 'Path contains an invalid tag' *)
draw_NoPathElements = 112; (* 'Path does not contain any line or
* curve elements'
draw_PathExtraData = 113; (* 'There is extra data present at the
* end of a path object'
draw_BadSpriteSize = 114; (* 'The sprite definition size is
* inconsistent with the object size'
draw_BadTextColumnEnd = 115;(* 'Missing end marker in text columns'*)
draw_ColumnsMismatch = 116; (* 'Actual number of columns in a text
* area object does not match specified
* number of columns'
draw_NonZeroReserved = 117; (* 'Non-zero reserved words in a text
* area object'
draw_NotDrawFile = 118; (* 'This is not a Draw file' *)
draw_VersionTooHigh = 119; (* 'Version number too high' *)
draw_BadObjectType = 120; (* 'Unknown object type' *)
draw_CorruptTextArea = 121; (* 'Corrupted text area (must start with
* '\!')'
draw_TextAreaVersion = 121; (* 'Text area version number is wrong or
* missing'
draw_MissingNewline = 122; (* 'Text area must end with a newline
* character'
draw_BadAlign = 123; (* 'Text area: bad \A code(must be L, R,
* C or D)'
draw_BadTerminator = 124; (* 'Text area: bad number or missing
* terminator'
draw_ManyDCommands = 125; (* 'Text area: more than one \D
* command'
draw_BadFontNumber = 126; (* 'Text area: bad font number' *)
draw_UnexpectedCharacter = 127; (* 'Text area: unexpected character
* in \F command'
draw_BadFontWidth = 128; (* 'Text area: bad or missing font width
* in \F command'
draw_BadFontSize = 129; (* 'Text area: bad or missing font size
* in \F command'
draw_NonDigitV = 130; (* 'Text area: non-digit in \V command'*)
draw_BadEscape = 131; (* 'Text area: bad escape sequence' *)
draw_FewColumns = 133; (* 'Text area must have at least one
* column'
draw_TextColMemory = 134; (* 'Out of memory when building text
* area' [location field is always 0
* for this error]
(* end of drawferror.h *)